Shriners MISSION
The Mission of Shriners International is to: Be the premier fraternal organization for men of good character. Provide attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families and their friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and social camaraderie.
Mocha Mission
Mocha Shriners an organization based in Western and Northern Ontario raises funds to support our Shriners Hospital for Children locally nationally and internationally.
Mocha members can be seen fundraising within your community to raise much needed funds to ensure that kids with special health needs receive the best medical care possible.

The story of Mocha Shriners in London, Ontario, began in 1886 when a lone Shriner, along with Knights Templar members initiated in Detroit, petitioned to establish Sultanat Temple, Canada’s first Shrine Temple. Although it was short-lived, this laid the groundwork for Shrinedom in London. On January 1, 1908, Mocha Temple was officially founded, becoming the seventh Shrine Temple in Canada. The name “Mocha” was chosen by its first Recorder, Noble Ed Struthers, with Noble Harry Collins of Toronto playing a key role in obtaining the charter.
From its early days, the Shrine embraced fellowship, parades, and charitable giving. While its social activities captured public attention, Mocha Shriners quietly raised substantial funds for benevolence. Notable contributions include aiding 600 local children with Christmas provisions, supporting victims of the 1917 Halifax Explosion, and donating a $1,600 ambulance during World War II. Since 1920, Mocha’s primary charity has been Shriners Hospitals for Children, with hundreds of thousands of dollars raised to support this cause.
Over the years, Mocha Temple has flourished, evolving its facilities to meet the needs of members and the community. In 1955, the historic Smallman residence at 468 Colborne Street was acquired, with subsequent renovations maintaining its architectural charm. Additions like banquet halls and recent refurbishments ensure that Mocha Temple remains a welcoming space for Shriners to gather with family and friends, continuing its legacy of camaraderie and service.
This year we Celebrate 100 years of the Children's Hospital for Children Canada! Click this
link for more Celebrations and Accomplishments.
Divan 2025

Ill. Sir Dave Fahrner

Chief Rabban Noble Craig Kealey

Assistant Rabban Noble
Doug MacDonald

High Priest & Prophet Noble
Cam Constable

Oriental Guide
Noble Chad More

Noble Bil Segui

Noble Bill Butcher
Clubs and Units
Brantford Keystone Kops
Cambridge Mini Vettes
Concert Band
Hi-Ro Clown Unit
Lambton Motor Corps
Mocha Legion of Honour Application
Mocha Classics
Mocha Mini Choppers
Mocha Cruisers
Mocha Shriners Historic Concert Band
Mocha Wheelstander Mini Kars
Outhouse #1 St Thomas
Outhouse #2 Windsor
Outhouse #3 Thedford
Royal Scots of Mocha
Sault Motor Corps Mini Cars and Bikes
Temple GuardsTillsonburg
Fire Unit (1919 Retro Fire Truck)
Outriders (mini bikes)
Mocha Mini Choppers
West Coast 20
Woodstock Clown Unit
Ahcom Shrine Club
Blenheim Shrine Club
Bluewater Shrine Club
Hi-Ro Shrine Club
London Shrine Club
Lambton Shrine Club
Mocha Roadrunners
Moramos Shrine
ClubNorfolk Shrine Club
Pal Mocha Shrine Club
Sault Shrine Club
Stratford-on-Avon Shrine Club
Sun Parlor Shrine Club
Woodstock Shrine Club
Mocha Divan Calendar
Wed. Jan 15 6:00pm Cambridge SC Installation
Thur. Jan 16 6:00pm Aylmer SC Installation
Fri. Jan 17 6:00pm Lambton SC Installation
Wed. Feb. 12 3:00pm Board of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha
7:30pmStated Meeting Mocha
Tue. Feb 18“100” Anniversary Shriner Hospital Montreal
Wed. Mar 5-8 Oriental Guides Leadership Conference Tampa
Sat. Mar. 9-12Assistant Rabbans Leadership Conference Tampa
Treasurers/Recorders Seminar TBA?
Sun. Mar. 9th Daughters of the Nile Installation
Wed. Apr. 9 11:30am Board of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha
Sat. May 3 12:00pm Water Buffalo Degree Cambridge SC
(noon registration; 1:00 lunch; 2:00 degree)
Wed. May 14 3:00pm Board of Directors (Divan)
Meeting Mocha 7:30pm, Stated Meeting Mocha
Sat. May 31Mocha Ceremonial Mocha Shriner Centre (TBA times)
Wed. Jun. 11 11:30amBoard of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha
Sat. Jun. 28 July 4 Imperial Session Atlanta Georgia
Wed. Aug. 13 11:30am Board of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha
Wed. Sept. 10-14 GLSA Bloomington, Ill.
Wed. September 10th 3:00 pm BOD Meeting
7:30 Stated Meeting Mocha
Sept. 17 - 20 TBA Northern Trip Elliott Lake & Sault Ste. Marie
Wed. Oct 8 noon Service Awards Luncheon Mocha
Wed. Nov 12 3:00pmBoard of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha7:30pmStated Meeting Mocha
Sun. Dec 7 TBAPotentate’s Appreciation Social Mocha
Wed. Dec 10 3:00pmBoard of Directors (Divan) Meeting Mocha
7:30 pmStated Meeting & Elections of Officers Mocha
Fri. Jan 9/252026 Installation

Mocha Shrine Centre Reception
& Banquet Facility
This large Edwardian home displays elegant aspects of the era, including large windows, superb craftsmanship in the glasswork, stone carvings, and carpentry. Modern banquet facilities to meet your needs.
Plenty of on-site parking.
Rental spaces.
For Facility information
Call today!