The Lambton Shrine Club was formed in 1935 as a unit of Mocha Temple in
London Ontario. Monthly dinner meetings were held in the Colonial Hotel. The fee
was $2.00 per meeting. The dinner cost 35 cents, leaving the balance to start their
Treasury and make donations to Shrine Hospitals.
In 1950 Noble John A. Smith became the first member of Lambton Shrine
Club to become Potentate of Mocha Temple. Since then there have been five Nobles
to achieve this distinction. Nobles Frank Harkness (1976), Ron Leckie (1984), Bill
Gerrits (2000), John McLaughlin (2002) and Dylan McLay (2020)
In 1962 the club had grown to the point where they needed their own
facilities, so a residence at 139 Vidal Street was purchased. The membership once
again grew that in the early 1970s larger facilities were needed and in 1974, the
property and facilities at 940 Confederation Street was purchased from the Leckie
Over the years, the Lambton Shrine Club continued to grow and prosper and
became recognized as the finest Shrine Club quarters in Ontario. The aim was to
reach a membership of 500 members, however, this goal was never reached, but
grew to around 450 in 1997. With the declining number of Masons joining the
Shrine Organization the membership in Lambton Shrine Club dropped
considerably since that time.
Many social events such as fish dinners, BBQ’s, Mystery Dinner Theatres,
New Years Eve parties, provided funding for the Lambton Shrine Club to
contribute to the care and treatment to local children and donations to the Montreal
Shrine Hospital. Some of the fund-raising activities carried out over the years,
were car draws, Pot of Gold cash lottery, annual Shrine Circus, Recycle aluminum
cans project, the annual Shrine Christmas Fantasy Show, Bingoes, Vidalia Onion
Sales, sale of Christmas Cakes, and for many years the annual Lambton Shrine
Club Golf Tournament which was always very profitable for donations to the
Montreal Shrine Hospital.
Today, LSC contributes financially to the local Hospital as well as the
Children’s Shrine Hospital in Montreal through projects and legacy contributions
from families of former LSC Nobles. In 2012 LSC made a cash donation of over
$61,000 to purchase specialized equipment for the Montreal Research Department.
In 2015 Lambton Shrine Club purchased an “Imaging” machine called an “O” arm
with a cost of $875,000.00 and this year, 2020, the club is in the process of making
another significant donation to the Montreal Hospital.
Hundreds of area children have been provided with orthopedic and burn
treatment to help them lead more normal lives as a result of visits to the Montreal
and Cincinnati Shrine Hospitals.
Lambton Shrine Club is very proud of their achievements over the years and
continue to support Shrine Activities.
245 Essex St,
Sarnia, ON N7T 4S3
Call (519) 344-3282
Secretary - Ross Willoughby
President - Tyler Puurunen